
André Luiz Lopes de Faria (Permanent Member)
Department of Geography/UFV

Associate professor
Graduated in Geography by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1993).
Master’s degree in Environmental and Forestry Sciences by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2001).
PhD in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) by the Federal University of Viçosa (2010).

Line of Research: Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature
Extension: (31) 3612-7413/7406
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. André


Edgar Batista de Medeiros Júnior (Permanent Member)
Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition/UFV

Associate teacher
Graduated in Geological Engineering by the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2007) and Degree in Geography by the Centro Universitário Internacional – Uninter (2020).
Master’s degree in Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources by the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2009).
PhD in Crustal Evolution and Natural Resources by the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2016).

Line of Research: Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature
Extension: (31) 3612-4540
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Edgar


Edson Soares Fialho (Permanent Member)
Department of Geography/UFV

Assistant teacher
Graduated in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1997/1998).
Master’s degree in Geography by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2002).
PhD in Physical Geography by the University of São Paulo (2009).

Line of Research: Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature/ Productions and Appropriations of the Territory
Extension: (31) 3612-7404
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Edson 1 Project Prof. Edson 2


Gustavo Soares Iorio (Permanent Member)
Juiz de Fora Federal University

Assistant teacher
Graduated in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Federal University of Viçosa (2007/2008).
Master’s degree in Geography by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2010).
PhD in Geography by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2015).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations/Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Gustavo


Hygor Aristides Victor Rossoni (Permanent Member)
Institute of Exact and Technological Sciences at UFV – Campus Florestal

Full Professor
Graduated in Environmental Engineering by the Federal University of Viçosa (2005).
Master’s degree in Forestry Science by the Federal University of Viçosa (2007).
PhD in Sanitation, Environment and Water Resources by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2015).

Line of Research: Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature
Telephone: (31) 3602-1617/ (31) 3602-1480
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Hygor


Janete Regina de Oliveira (Permanent Member)
Department of Geography/UFV

Assistant Professor
Graduated in Geography by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1993).
Master’s degree in Geography by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2005).
PhD in Geography by the University of São Paulo (2018).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Telephone: (31) 3612-7412
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Janete


José João Lelis Leal de Souza (Permanent Member)
Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition/UFV

Assistant teacher
Graduated in Geography by the Federal University of Viçosa (2008).
Master’s degree in Soils and Plant Nutrition by the Federal University of Viçosa (2010).
PhD in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) by the Federal University of Viçosa (2013).
Post-doctorate by the Federal University of Viçosa (2015).

Line of Research: Socio-environmental Issues and Dimensions of Nature
Telephone: (31) 3612-4544
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. José João


Leomar Tiradentes (Permanent Member)
Application College – CAp/COLUNI

Full Professor
Degree in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Federal University of Goiás (1992).
Master’s degree in Geography by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – Rio Claro Campus (2004).
PhD in Geography by the Federal University of Uberlândia (2010).
Post-doctorate in Geography by the University of Coimbra – Portugal (2017).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (31) 3612-2754
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Leomar


Leonardo Civale (Permanent Member)
Department of Geography/UFV

Associate Professor
Degree in Geography by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1986) and Degree in History by the Federal Fluminense University (1989).
Master’s degree in Production Engineering by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995).
PhD in History of Geographical Thought by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2009).
Post-doctorate by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2017).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (31) 3612-7409
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Leonardo


Lucas Magno (Permanent Member)
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Southeast of Minas Gerais (IF Sudeste MG).

Teacher Basic Technological Education
Graduated in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Federal University of Viçosa (2008).
Master’s degree in Rural Extension by the Federal University of Viçosa (2011).
PhD in Geography by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2017).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (32) 3696-2850
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Lucas


Maria Isabel de Jesus Chrysostomo (Contributing Member)
Department of Geography/UFV

Associate Professor
Graduated in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993/2001).
Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1999).
PhD in Urban and Regional Planning by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006).
Post-Doctorate at Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France (2011).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (31) 3612-7410
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Maria Isabel 1 Project Prof. Maria Isabel 2


Tádzio Peters Coelho (Permanent Member)
Department of Social Sciences/UFV

Degree in Social Sciences by the State University of Londrina (2007).
Master’s degree in Social Sciences by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2012).
Specialization in Oil and Gas Engineering by Estácio de Sá University (2015).
PhD in Social Sciences by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2016).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (31) 3612- (?)
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Tádzio


Valter Machado da Fonseca (Permanent Member)
Department of Education/UFV

Assistant teacher
Degree in Geography (licentiate’s degree) from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1999).
Master’s degree in Education (emphasis on environment) by the Federal University of Uberlândia (2007).
PhD in Education (emphasis on environment) by the Federal University of Uberlândia (2012).
Post-doctorate in Rural Education and Agroecology by the Federal University of Uberlândia.

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Extension: (31) 3612-7528
Lattes CV:
Project Summary: Project Prof. Walter


Wagner Barbosa Batella (Contributing Member)
Juiz de Fora Federal University

Assistant teacher
Degree in Geography (bachelor’s and licentiate’s degree) by the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2004).
Master’s degree in Geography (Spatial Information Processing) by the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2008).
PhD in Geography by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Presidente Prudente campus (2013).

Line of Research: Territory Productions and Appropriations
Telephone: (32) 2102-3101
Lattes CV:
Project Summary:



Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

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