
The Program has 08 (eight) scholarships: 05 (five) granted by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) and 03 (three) by FAPEMIG (Foundation for Research Support of the State of Minas Gerais).

Currently, the granting of scholarships follows the order of classification of students in the Selection Process for entry into the Program, in the second year of the course. The Coordinating Committee is reevaluating this criterion with the possibility of opening a specific notice for the concession, with the inclusion, among other criteria, of analyzing the student’s academic performance during the course.

1- The Coordination, according to availability, will grant a scholarship to the student;

2- The scholarship will have a maximum duration of 12 (months) months;

3- The granting of the scholarship implies exclusive and full-time dedication to the course and residence in Viçosa, except when carrying out the research in another location. The exercise of any other activity not related to the Program is prohibited.

Sole paragraph – The scholarship holder must participate in extracurricular activities within the Program, when requested by the supervising professor and approved by the Program Coordination.

4- Postgraduate students will not be entitled to regular vacations during the duration of the scholarship, and will be allowed a two-week school break per year

5- The scholarship student may only leave Viçosa with the express consent of their advisor.

6- The scholarship may be suspended or canceled by the Coordinating Committee or the funding agency for academic, disciplinary or financial reasons, with no right to compensation for the scholarship holder.

7 – The following are reasons for suspension of the scholarship:

a) Withholding of enrollment, with no rights acquired upon the student’s eventual return;

b) Delay in defending the research project, in accordance with what is stipulated in the Course Regulations.

c) Failure in any subject.

8 – Currently, the granting of scholarships follows the order of classification of students in the Selection Process for entry into the Program, in the second year of the course. The Coordinating Committee is reevaluating this criterion with the possibility of opening a specific notice for the concession, with the inclusion, among other criteria, of analyzing the student’s academic performance during the course.


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados