Student: Alex de Souza. Advisor: Prof. André Luiz Lopes de Faria
Dissertation: The geomorphological evolution of the landscape in the Rio dos Bagres basin-MG
Date of Defense: January 21, 2021

Student: Fellipe Fazionato Pacheco. Advisor: Prof. José Flávio Morais Castro
Dissertation: Environmental fragility as a planning tool in conservation units: the case of APA Serra da Piedade – MG
Defense Date: July 12, 2021

Student: Salomão Júnior Curi. Advisor: Prof. Gustavo Soares Iorio
Dissertation: Urban restructuring in Ubá-MG: A study on the formation of a new urban center in the west zone of the city
Defense date: July 22, 2021

Student: Magna Rita Arcanjo Domingos. Advisor: Prof. Wagner Barbosa Batella
Dissertation: From the countryside to the university: analysis of the academic trajectories of young people from rural areas
Defense date: September 29, 2021

Student: Vitor Prudente Vieira. Advisor: Prof. Leonardo Civale
Dissertation: Catalanism and Catalan Independence: post-2008 crisis effects on nationalist movements in Catalonia
Date of Defense: September 30, 2021

Student: Juan Anderson Ruiz Peña. Advisor: Prof. Gustavo Soares Iorio
Dissertation: Theoretical assessment of the concept of uneven geographical development
Date of Defense: October 5, 2021

Student: Gleice Tamires Gomes de Brito. Advisor: Prof. Valter Machado da Fonseca
Dissertation: The place and the quilombola identity: an approach to the historical process of the Irmandade do Rosário, in Ribeirão das Neves (MG)
Date of Defense: October 15, 2021

Student: Roberto da Silva Teixeira. Advisor: Prof. Valter Machado da Fonseca
Dissertation: Olga Benário Settlement (Zona da Mata Mineira): a look from conquest to permanence on the land
Date of Defense: October 25, 2021

Student: Eustáquio da Silveira Mafra. Advisor: Prof. Maria Isabel de Jesus Chrysostomo
Dissertation: Elitist interests and the conception of progress under the outline of a spatial project for Minas Gerais in the second half of the 19th century
Date of Defense: October 29, 2021

Student: Verônica Sibere Ferraz Monteiro. Advisor: Prof. Maria Isabel de Jesus Chrysostomo
Dissertation: Hip-hop in Viçosa-MG: Socio-spatial trajectories of rappers through urban space (2010-2020)
Date of Defense: November 1, 2021


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Email: posgeografia@ufv.br
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

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