Student: Renan José Freitas Assis. Advisor: Profª. Nelmires Ferreira da Silva
Dissertação: The counter-space of the Nacional School of Popular Energy: its history, its method and the emergency of a new scale.
Date of Defense: June 20, 2024

Student: Júlio César Matheus. Advisor: Prof. Prof. Gustavo Soares Iorio
Dissertação: Iron/magnetite mining in Zona da Mata Mineira and the subordinate insertion of the São Pedro Community (Teixeiras/Pedra do Anta) to the dependent capital cycle.
Date of Defense: June 28, 2024


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Email: posgeografia@ufv.br
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

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