Academic Mobility

Postgraduate student regularly enrolled in Stricto sensu Postgraduate Programs at other institutions, in the country or abroad, may take Stricto sensu postgraduate subject(s) at UFV.

Registration will occur in a continuous flow. Upon registration, the candidate must present the following documents to the department to which the discipline is linked:

I – academic transcript (copy authenticated by a notary or copy upon presentation of the original academic transcript)

II – request the subject(s) you intend to study;

III – awareness and manifestation of the institution of origin;

IV – copy of the birth or marriage certificate, as applicable;

V – copy of the identity document or, for foreign candidates, the passport;

VI – copy of the military service document for male Brazilians;

VII – copy of the voter registration card for Brazilians;

VIII – copy of registration in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);

IX – 1 3×4 photo.

The registration request must be analyzed and approved by the coordination of the UFV Postgraduate Program involved and by the coordinator of each required discipline. It will be the responsibility of the coordination in question to communicate to the campus’s School Registration Office the names of students whose registration requests were accepted and inform students about the enrollment procedures.

The student’s enrollment in academic mobility will be guaranteed to the student during the period for which it was requested, and will be subject to approval of the request and the existence of a vacancy in the subject.

The granting of new registration as a student on academic mobility will be subject to approval in the subject(s) studied. At the beginning of each academic period, the student must present to the campus’s School Registration Office updated proof of academic ties with the home institution and express interest in re-enrolling.

Students on academic mobility may request to cancel their registration in one or more subjects, subject to the dates established in the school calendar.


Application form


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados