
Accreditation Standards according to the Regulations Approved in the Department of Geography

1- Teachers who meet the following prerequisites can be accredited in the Program as Permanent.

I – develop teaching activities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels;

II – participate in the Program’s research projects;

II – guide students of the Program, being duly accredited as advisors;

IV – have a functional-administrative link with the institution or, exceptionally, fit into one of the following special conditions:

V- receive a permanent grant from teachers or researchers from federal or state funding agencies;

VI- as a retired professor or researcher, have signed a commitment agreement with the institution to participate as a professor in the program;

VII- have been assigned, by formal agreement, to act as a teacher in the Program.

VIII – when, at the discretion of the Program, the permanent professor does not meet the requirements established by item I due to the non-scheduling of a discipline under his responsibility or his absence to carry out a post-doctoral internship, senior internship or relevant activity in Education, Science and Technology, as long as all other requirements established by this article for such classification are met.

2 – Teachers may be accredited in the Program as Collaborators and Visiting teachers, who meet the following criteria:

I- participate systematically in the development of research projects or teaching or extension activities and/or in student guidance, regardless of whether or not they have a link with the institution.

III- to professors who prefer, for various reasons, not to be part of the Permanent staff and/or do not meet all the requirements to be classified as Permanent or as Visitors, but participate systematically in the development of research projects or teaching or extension activities and/or guidance of students, regardless of whether or not they have a connection with the institution.

3- For accreditation and re-accreditation as a Program advisor, the professor must meet the requirements of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Regulations of the Program and, in accordance with this, have demonstrated:

  1. average scientific production in the last four years corresponding to at least three qualified productions (articles in journals, books and book chapters) in the last four years;
  2. that the production of articles in periodicals, in the period considered, is concentrated between strata A1 and B3 of the CAPES Geography Qualis;
  3. preferably participate in at least one research project funded by a research funding agency.

4- The professor accredited as Permanent must act as responsible for regular subjects at PPGEO-UFV and in undergraduate subjects.

5- The advisor’s accreditation will be valid for 5 (five) years and, if there is interest, his/her re-accreditation proposal will be forwarded by the professor to the Program Coordinating Committee, as long as he/she has achieved the following indicators:

1- have completed the degree orientation of at least one student in the last four years or are advising at least one student;

2-have offered at least 1 (one) subject annually in the Program, except Teaching Internship.

Note: If the teacher is not re-accredited as a supervisor, he or she must complete ongoing guidance.


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

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