Curricular Matrix

The Academic Master’s in Geography is PRESENTIAL with classes taught preferably from Wednesday to Friday, in the morning, afternoon and/or evening. There will eventually be classes on Saturday mornings. Attendance is mandatory in all enrolled subjects. The course schedules will be made available on the Program website at the beginning of each semester.


1st Semester

GEO 601 – Theories of Geography (4 credits)

GEO 602 – Organization of Scientific Work (2 credits)

1 Optional Subject (choice of the student and supervisor according to the offer in the period)

2nd Semester

GEO 603 – Territory and society: production, appropriation and restructuring or GEO 604 – Socio-environmental Epistemology (4 credits) – according to the Research Line

GEO 797 – Dissertation Seminars (1 credit)

1 Optional Subject (choice of the student and supervisor according to the offer in the period)

3rd Semester

GEO 776 – Teaching Internship I (1 credit) or GEO 777 – Teaching Internship II (2 credits) – at the advisor’s discretion

GEO 798 – Dissertation Qualification (1 credit)

GEO 799 – Research

4th Semester

GEO 799 – Research

If the student, for any reason, needs to attend more periods than expected (with approval from the Coordinating Committee), he or she must be enrolled in the subject GEO 799 – Research in all periods until completion of the course.

To complete the course, the student must complete at least 14 credits in mandatory subjects and 08 credits in optional subjects and pass the Standardized Exam in English.

To satisfy the English language requirement, the student must pass standardized proficiency exams to be indicated by the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies, as long as they are carried out within a maximum period of 2 years.

In accordance with the new Postgraduate General Regulations (LINK) (valid since October 2020) and the General Selection Notice 2021/1 (LINK) (published in December 2020), Standardized Exams in English (LINK) will be accepted by PPG, with the respective scores minimum.

The deadline for fulfilling this requirement cannot exceed the end of classes in the second period of the course, after admission, under penalty of dismissal.


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados