Laboratory of Biogeography and Climatology (Bioclima)
Phone: (31) 3612-7404
Coordinator: Prof. Edson Soares Fialho
LEUAC – Laboratory of Studies on the Use and Appropriation of the City
Coordinator: Prof. Ulysses da Cunha Baggio
LEGEC – Laboratory of Studies on the Geopolitics of Capitalism
Coordinator: Prof. Maria Joseli Barreto
GEHOCITE – Historical Geography of Cities and Territories
Coordinator: Prof. Dayana Debossan Coelho
Laboratory of Quaternary Geomorphology
Phone: (31) 3612-7413
Coordinator: Prof. André Luiz Lopes de Faria
Computer Lab of the DGE/CCH
Technical-administrative server: José Geraldo de Almeida Orlando
Telephone: (31) 3612-7414
Computer Resources
PPGeo/UFV has a room for exclusive use by students with three computers with internet access. It has a computer lab with 24 computers with internet access and QGIs geoprocessing software.
The Central Library, created in 1969, and its current administrative structure is subordinate to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research and Graduate Studies and connected to the World Wide Web.
It has a total area of 12,816.59 m², divided into 4 floors, with 1,290 seats available.
Its collection includes 177,467 copies, divided into 7,604 periodicals, 43,970 serial publications, 29,053 theses, 10,540 reprints, 10,818 reports, 5,308 pamphlets, 1,298 rare works, 2,641 works in Braille, 2,902 newspaper clippings, 3,361 microfiches, 110 microfilms, 621 videotapes and 5,630 other special materials. The entire library collection is connected to the computer network. In addition to the Central Library collection, the Program will rely on sectoral libraries, which have significant works for the development of research in different areas of Geography. For example, the sectoral library of the Department of Rural Economy (DER), whose collection covers the areas of Administration, Anthropology, Political Science, Commercialization, International Trade, Communication, Cooperatives/Associations, Rural Economy, Rural Extension, Philosophy, History, Macroeconomics, Mathematics, Statistics, Microeconomics and Sociology. This library has a collection of 7,917 books, 2,022 theses, 9,805 periodicals, 2,658 institutional publications, 548 published works, 327 censuses or yearbooks, 126 reference works, 123 videos, 90 diskettes and 137 CDs, totaling 23,757 titles. The search for references is computerized and can be carried out using computers installed in the library. In addition to the library having reference works on the area of Geography, the library has 67 periodicals in its collection, namely: Alerta Amazônia: Medicina Tropical, Amazônia Brasileira em Foco, Anuário da Diretoria de Serviço Geográfico, Applied Geography and Development, Boletim Carioca de Geografia, Boletim de Ciências Geodesicas, Boletim de Geografia (Maringá), Boletim de Geografia Teorética, Boletim Geográfico (Rio de Janeiro), Boletim Geográfico do Rio Grande do Sul, Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Boletim Mineiro de Geografia, Boletim de Pesquisa da CEDEAM, Boletim Paulista de Geografia, Boletim de Estudos Geográficos, Brasil – Oeste, Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, (Les) Cahiers D’outre – MER, Canadian Surveyor, Colombia Geográfica, Faz Ciências, Geografia (Londrina), Geografia (Rio Claro), Geography: Teaching & Research, Geographies: Journal of the Department of Geography and Postgraduate Program in Geography IGC-UFMG, Geographia (Niterói), Geography cal Review, Geophysical Abstracts , Geonordeste, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Journal of Geophysics, National Geographic, National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic World, Noticia Geomorfologica, Orientação (SãoPaulo), Photogrammetry, Photogram metric Engineering, Photogram metric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Plures Humanidades, Ra’e Ga – O espaço Geográfico em Análise, Remote Sensing of Environment, Brazilian Journal of Cartography, Brazilian Journal of Geography, Cartographic Journal (Argentina), Cartographic Journal (Guatemala), Journal of the Department of Geography of USP, GEOUSP, Journal of Geography (UNESP), Universal Geographic Journal, Journal of Geology, Journal of the Geological Institute, Journal of the Geographic and Geological Institute, Brazilian Journal of Geomorphology, Journal of the Historical, Geographical and Geological Institute, Brazilian Journal of Geomorphology, Journal of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Alagoas, Journal of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Juiz de Fora, RIHGB of Minas Gerais, Journal of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadaria” (Geology), Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique, Rock Mountain Geology, Society and Territory (Natal), Soils and Rocks: Brazilian Journal of Geotechnics, Free Land, Topography and Cartography; Journal of the Official College of Technical Engineers in Topography.
Other Information
The UFV Geography Department, which hosts the PPGeo, has a room reserved specifically for the program’s secretariat, an auditorium in the building itself, and a classroom specifically for graduate studies.
All laboratories coordinated by program professors have their own headquarters, located in the DGE/UFV building itself, where the PPGeo secretariat and classrooms are located. Each professor has an individual office.
UFV has a fleet of cars and buses for technical trips, fieldwork, and transportation of professors/researchers to conferences, lectures, meetings, etc.