
The Master’s Program in Geography at the Federal University of Viçosa includes a physical structure that includes administrative and academic facilities to carry out the activities required for Postgraduate Studies.

Research focuses on studies of the city and urban, rural and agricultural, environmental and territorial conflicts and economic, political and socio-environmental dynamics; integrating studies in the field of Physical Geography and Human Geography.

At the City Use and Appropriation Studies Laboratory (LEUAC), the processes of use and appropriation of the city and the urban, under everyday life in the city in contemporary times, are the main objects of investigation; from a multi-scalar approach, the Laboratory for Studies in Geopolitics of Capitalism (LEGEC) includes research on the dynamics of capitalism and its impacts on regions and territories; The Historical Geography of Cities and Territories Laboratory (GEHOCITE)(link) is dedicated to studies of historical geography, territorial history and territorial formation, emphasizing migration processes (internal and external) and the dynamics of transformation of cities and regions. At the Laboratory for Studies on Cultural Landscapes, Memory and Heritage (LEPAP), research is associated with the historical and geographical dimensions of public heritage policies and the different narratives of the production of cultural landscapes.

At the Laboratory of Territorial and Environmental Studies (LAS TERRAS), scientific and intercultural production is promoted on themes and subjects that articulately involve Territory, Nature, Culture and Geography, at the Laboratory of Biogeography and Climatology (Bioclima)(link), the lines of research relate study climate, biogeography and the environment, emphasizing their effects and problems in the Zona da Mata Mineira region. At the Quaternary Geomorphology Laboratory (link), projects and studies are developed in environmental areas, with an emphasis on studies of soil, relief and water resources. Recently, the Laboratory has developed projects that combine geomorphology and Public Policies, contextualizing the social and geomorphological problems of the Zona da Mata-MG region.

In dialogue with the two lines of research, the Program also has the Geography and Education and Research and Teaching in Geography Laboratories, whose research is developed from two approaches: one more focused on School Geography studies and the other to the Concepts, Methods and Techniques for Teaching Geography.


Postgraduate Program in Geography
Geography Department – 
​​GEOHistória Building
Federal University of Viçosa
36570-900 – Viçosa – MG
Youtube: @ppgeo_ufv
Instagram: @pppgeo_ufv
Tel:(31) 3612-7401

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